Julia Falco, PhD
Scientific Program Manager, Mass General Research Institute
Research Fellow in Dermatology, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Julia Falco, PhD is a Scientific Program Manager in the Longfellow Project Team at the Mass General Research Institute and a Research Fellow in Dermatology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Falco graduated with honors in chemistry from Loyola University New Orleans, then completed her Ph.D. in Chemical Biology at Boston College. In her graduate research, she used chemical proteomics to investigate the role of protein post-translational modifications.
Dr. Falco joined the Longfellow Project Team at the Mass General Research Institute in January 2023. She is the Scientific Program Manager for the Cardiometabolics ChallengeDriven Program and the multi lab collaboration across academia and industry focusing on developing new therapies for heart failure, weight loss, and ischemia. Her driver is to support academic biomedical and physician scientists in collaborating with industry to deliver novel solutions to address major unmet medical needs and ultimately improve patient lives.
Dr Falco is currently helping TWIN 1 and 2 teams formulating their study projects and helping with the TWIN program design.