Cristina Torres Cabán, PhD
Scientific Program Manager, Mass General Research Institute
Research Fellow in Dermatology, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Cristina Torres Cabán, PhD is a Scientific Program Manager in the Longfellow Project Team at the Mass General Research Institute and a Research Fellow in the Department of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School. She received her undergraduate degree in Biology and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico and completed her PhD and medical sciences training in Biological Engineering and Health Sciences and Technology (HST) at MIT. Her graduate thesis focused on developing genetically encoded optical indicators and establishing imaging techniques to study the brain.
Dr. Torres Cabán joined the Longfellow Project Team at the Mass General Research Institute in the Fall of 2022. She is the current Scientific Program Manager for the Rare Diseases Challenge-Driven Program and the pre-clinical development of two gene therapies in a large-scale multi-institutional collaboration across academia and industry. Her interests are to work broadly with the scientific community at the Mass General Research Institute to develop and launch collaborations that address problems in medicine, biology, and technology
Dr Caban is currently helping the TWIN 3 team members formulating their study projects and helping with the TWIN program design.