The Innovation Center on Se✘ Differences in Medicine (ICON-✘) conducts research through 5 causal pathways:
Did you know?
The brain develops in sex-dependent ways, beginning in fetal development,.. sex differences that are retained across our lifespan.
The immune system develops differently in the male and female fetus, and this has implications for dysregulation of the immune system associated with sex differences across multiple chronic diseases.
Preeclampsia doubles a woman’s risk for cardiovascular disease and depression later in life.
Cardiovascular disease causes **1 out of 3** deaths in American women per year but is >90% preventable.
The brain is connected to the heart and gut through the vagus nerve (VN). VN contributes to regulating mood, anxiety, and cardiac tone and differs in men and women.
Heart health is brain health, and vice versa, and impacted by Sex
80% of serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter associated with mood, is found in the gut, and differs by sex.
The gut is the largest immune organ in the body. Thus, what you eat can have substantial implications for your immune system function, which differs by sex.
Poor diet, infrequent exercise and smoking may lead to heart disease, stroke and dementia. Modifying lifestyle in sex-dependent ways can reduce disability and lead to prevention.
Aerobic exercise improves memory by generating new brain cells, especially in the hippocampus, part of memory circuitry. Hippocampus develops differently in boys and girls and functions differently across our lifespan.
Androgens increase muscle mass and strength, and are known to decrease with aging. Androgens and estrogen can affect cancer in both males and females. These hormones can have opposite effects on cancer cells and the surrounding cells.
More men than women suffer from cancer in organs with non-reproductive functions. Males also have a higher mortality rate than females for most cancer sites.
Tumor markers are useful to detect cancer in an early stage, but they can differ between males and females.
Cancer drugs work at different concentrations and lead to different toxicities between males and females.
ICON-✘ is tackling these issues and more by developing therapeutics and programs using a sex difference lens and intervening early to enhance resilience and prevent disease.