LAC Goals
The goal of the Leadership Administrative Core (LAC) is to provide infrastructure to monitor, integrate, and synergize ongoing SCORE activities. The LAC supports the cross-disciplinary, cross-institution collaborations that include human and model animals at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Colorado State University (CSU), and University of Arizona, Phoenix (UoA). Our team has collaborated for >25 years.
The LAC has responsibility for: maintaining connections between sites and studies, setting up meetings to review study progress, budget administration, organizing symposia and conferences, publicizing opportunities for trainees, supporting new initiatives, and implementing dissemination of the knowledge gained to the scientific and medical communities, policy makers, and the public.
Organizational Tree
In Loving Memory of Bob Handa
Our MGH-Harvard-CO SCORE on Sex Differences in Comorbidity of Depression and Cardiovascular Risk would not be the same without the substantial involvement of Dr. Robert Handa. Click here to view tribute.
Our Senior Team
Internal Advisory Board
External Advisory Board