The International Cancer Prevention Institute (iCPI) - Switzerland
The Cancer Prevention Institute (iCPI) is a “virtual research institute”, consisting of collaborators and young researchers throughout the world. Therefore, it is not limited by physical boundaries, but rather based on a dynamic and open platform to facilitate direct personal interactions towards a common goal: mutual learning opportunities.
ICPI activities are structured along three main axes, which focus on education and training, research and public outreach. At iCPI, scientists and young researchers become more aware of challenges and opportunities in cancer prevention and become endowed with an interdisciplinary view on how to address them. Research programs at ICPI are focusing on primary, secondary and tertiary cancer prevention in organs with reproductive and non-reproductive functions.
Finally, efforts are made to close the gap between basic and clinical researchers and operators in the public health and policy making sectors. Another activity of ICPI is hence to foster communication skills and outreach activity of participating members and their students with people with different backgrounds and the general public. This is achieved through informational meetings, local workshops and discussions
Follow the Institute on Twitter : @CANCERPREV1
Cancer Prevention Institute Leader & ICON-✘ advocate :
Gian-Paolo Dotto, MD, PhD.
Director, The Cancer Prevention Institute iCPI
Director, Laboratory of Skin Aging and Cancer Prevention, Cutaneous Biology Research Center, MGH, Harvard Dermatology Department
Primary Investigator at the Cutaneous Biology Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital
Gian-Paolo Dotto, MD, Ph.D.
Dr Dotto is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (2011), the Academia Europaea (2012), the Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences (2014) and an Overseas Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (2018). He is the recipient of a number of awards, including the American Skin Association Achievement Award (2012), an ERC Advanced investigator grant award (2013) the Jurg Tschopp Award for Excellence in Biological Sciences (2015) and the Life Time Achievement Award from the University of Lausanne, School of Medicine and Biology (2020).
Dr. Dotto is founder and director of the International Cancer Prevention Institute (IPCI), a new paradigm of teaching / research institute and global forum for educators, policy makers and the general public for development of joint interdisciplinary efforts in primary, secondary and tertiary cancer prevention. He has organized several courses and workshops dedicated to this topic (including a recent EMBO meeting in 2018) and has been a driving force for a new collaborative PhD program on cancer prevention (Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, CANCERPREV) starting November 2019. He has brought to the attention the importance of differences in cancer susceptibility related to sex and ethnic background, two sensitive topics that can be tackled beneficially by rigorous scientific hypotheses and approaches.
Read more about Dr Dotto:
Educational Programs :
Sex differences in cancer prevention - Educational outreach related to Sex Differences in Cancer (Partnering with International Cancer Prevention Institute):
ICPI aims to foster interdisciplinary cross-communication efforts and train the next generation of researchers in basic and translational cancer prevention. In 2021, ICPI organized the first international workshop on sexual dimorphism in cancer. Efforts are ongoing to organize this meeting again.
Additionally, through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) program, an interdisciplinary PhD program in cancer prevention focuses on two key determinants of cancer risk: sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation. This collaborative approach between the different international partners enables sharing scientific materials and resources.
A pre- and/or postdoctoral fellowship program on “sex differences in cancer” is currently being developed. The aim of this fellowship program is to encourage fellows to develop their own scientific projects, under the supervision of collaborating mentors. The strength of this fellowship program revolves around a multidisciplinary approach, distribution of scientific resources and ample training opportunities.
More information on the iCPI Previous Meeting on SD in Cancer: