Professor, Departments of Radiology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Harvard Med School
Director, Scott Schoen and Nancy Adams Discovery Center for Recovery from Chronic Pain, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, Harvard Medical School
Director, Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CiPNI)

Dr. Vitaly Napadow is an associate professor at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. He holds secondary appointments in the
Pain Management Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and
Logan University. Vitaly received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the
Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program and a Masters degree from the
New England School of Acupuncture (NESA). His laboratory has pioneered the application of non-invasive neuroimaging techniques to better understand the brain circuitry underlying aversive perceptual states, and to better understand how therapies such as acupuncture ameliorate these states. Vitaly is the Director of the
Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CiPNI) and the co-President of the
Society for Acupuncture Research, a non-profit research organization responsible for organizing the premier international biennial conference dedicated to evidence-based acupuncture research.
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